DNR – ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique

Apr 24, 2017 by World Congress in  Articles

DNR – ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique

Have you ever been confronted to some problems that you thought had no solutions? Have you ever dreamed of having Harry Potter’s magic wand, to change evil for good, for ever and ever? In other words, having a genuine solution, that is simple, fast and effective, is a dream for everyone, and it could become reality, at the World Congress.
No need of a magic wand, a therapeutic technique will do the trick to get rid of all the pain, so psychological blockages will fade away without suffering, without constraint, and without thousand words.

This therapeutic technique is part of a neurological toolbox, called DNR or Deep Neural Repatterning. DNR is one of the flagship of the Psynapse Institute www.psynapse.fr. Who would not dream of mastering this amazing tool?

Philippe Vernois, Head Master Trainer, who is actually always looking for performance and excellence, aims to teach you, one of the most powerful technique of DNR, the ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique, so you can take things in hands again.

If you want to know the technique of ‘Flash Repatterning’ and mastering it, come the World Congress on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

Hypnosis and Awakening of consciousness

Hypnosis and Awakening of consciousness

Would you be interested by the awakening of inner wisdom?

Awakening your own wisdom, is a necessity, particularly when your goal is to awaken someone else’s self-awareness. It is possible that some coachs and some therapists still deny this need, while others confess that they want to feel more alive! It is because they are not taking into consideration that, overtime, life become more and more difficult, every single day, and they don’t allow themselves to make a move and take in hand, their own lives. Do you, sometimes, feel frustrated, and upset, without being able to monitor your own thoughts? Missing out on the awakening of self-awareness, is missing out on something really essential, to your mental balance.

No one wants to live a life with no purpose, you want a joyful and pleasant life, full of intellectual wealth, but also a life of sharing, benevolence and compassion. The awakening of your own consciousness is the key that opens the doors to other perspectives.

In order to awaken your consciousness – and with the aim to live an enlightened life, full of wisdom – we need tools that properly operate, and that will make a huge difference, within your practice. If Hypnosis is well used with proper structured suggestions, then the consciousness will harmoniously awaken.

Hypnosis will awaken your consciousness and gradually, you will strengthen yourself toward higher levels of consciousness.

You are all welcome to the World Congress 2017, on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017. Lecturers from all over the world will be present, with us.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

Speed hypnosis and fast inductions.

We often compare Speed Hypnosis and Street Hypnosis. Although those techniques may seem similar, the approach of fast inductions, allows many clients to find a deep quick trance level.
Based on the approach of Dave Elmann and Milton Erickson and used by many therapists such as Richard Bandler and Jerry Kein, the use of fast induction techniques, on the right moment, will enable you to save time on a therapeutic set.
Plus, using this playful approach with teenagers, allows you to start your work with a more relaxed approach, which is different from traditional inductions.
During this workshop, you will revisit suggestibility, and you will be able to experiment some rapid inductions, such as ‘the Bandler Handshake’, the ‘Crystal Skull’, ‘The inductions of Elmann’, and a lot of other ones.

Christophe Kindbeiter:
Christophe has been on the field of training and management companies, for more than 20 years. He is now a therapist and a teacher at the Psynapse Institute, in France (Psynapse.fr).
Passionate about every form of therapies, in conformity with human nature and ecology, Christophe has based his practice on experimentation.
Wanderer within the field of therapy, he has an inexhaustible thirst for old techniques, as well as for new technology and neuroscience.
No matter which type of hypnosis this is, there is only one hypnosis, the one that defines the patient’s trance.

Hypnosis for Healing and Growing

Hypnosis for Healing and Growing

For which reasons Hypnosis is good for Children? Children’s universe is a hypnotic world, naturally. To enter the world of children, is to accept being part of the game and of the experience. Being interested in their universe may not always seems easy.

When a child is playing, he is in a really intense emotional state, when he says ‘I am a knight!’, he does not pretend. He can fight and find strategies adapted to the situations that he is going through. The child is a fount of resources, when he is not subject to constraints, pressures, that diminish his ability and imagination.

Going back to being a child for a therapist, is a big difficulty. To do this, it is necessary to rise yourself to the level of the child, physically and mentally. This know-how is a technique, you cannot make it up, it leads you to open yourself to other conceptions, other orientations, other ways of doing.

What you will discover in this conference, will lead you to accept that solutions exist outside of your world map. Children that pretend to be ‘on the top of the Himalaya’ have maybe understood it, right before you?

Come and learn more about yourself at the World Congress 2017 – Hypnosis, Coaching & NLP in Paris.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.