DNR – ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique

Apr 24, 2017 by World Congress in  Articles

DNR – ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique

Have you ever been confronted to some problems that you thought had no solutions? Have you ever dreamed of having Harry Potter’s magic wand, to change evil for good, for ever and ever? In other words, having a genuine solution, that is simple, fast and effective, is a dream for everyone, and it could become reality, at the World Congress.
No need of a magic wand, a therapeutic technique will do the trick to get rid of all the pain, so psychological blockages will fade away without suffering, without constraint, and without thousand words.

This therapeutic technique is part of a neurological toolbox, called DNR or Deep Neural Repatterning. DNR is one of the flagship of the Psynapse Institute www.psynapse.fr. Who would not dream of mastering this amazing tool?

Philippe Vernois, Head Master Trainer, who is actually always looking for performance and excellence, aims to teach you, one of the most powerful technique of DNR, the ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique, so you can take things in hands again.

If you want to know the technique of ‘Flash Repatterning’ and mastering it, come the World Congress on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

The use of Milton Model

The use of Milton Model

How do you like to learn? As soon as we were born, our brain is feeding itself from new information and new learnings. Learning mechanisms remain actives and keep on growing whilst motivation is sometimes diminishing over time. We tend to lose our creativity, our self-confidence, and we are sometimes becoming less cheerful. Some of us tend to find that learning is becoming more and more difficult, and we sometimes suffer from it. So, why so many of us, find difficulties when comes the time for learning new things, when learning should be a source of pleasure, as it used to be? For example, learning a new language was wonderful, learning how to count, learning new stories, learning to learn…

Many studies carried out within Japanese universities show that the language used to teach, is one of the determining elements and it is directly related to our motivation. Obsolete learning models are always the ones that are practiced, to the detriment of our ecology. As therapists, parents and teachers, we can easily implement a more effective way of communication, so our children and ourselves can rediscover the taste of learning within the discovery field.

In this conference, you will learn: Linguistic models for installing positive belief in learners’ minds, in an easy way.

Brian Cullen runs a training and help centre in Nagoya, in Japan. The means of communication he has set up, are based on Japanese Universities studies, carried out on Ericksonian Approaches.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

Lost in Time

Lost in Time

Representation of time, is often a notion, that opens new frontiers, from a symbolic point of view. But what is time, when used in a hypnotic approach? Unconscious images will appear to your consciousness, but your unconscious won’t give you all the information! What if, you want to force the access? In order to discover new dimensions… Are you ready to venture back in time?

Sometimes some hypnosis therapies are worthy of Jules Verne’s stories, futuristic journeys, other dimensions, and another space-time.

At the World Congress 2017 in Paris, if you wish to exceed your own limits, your own inner representations, you are welcome to take part of a virtual journey, to the heart of your inner self. Be careful not to lose yourself in time, you could develop a certain taste…

But before, you will resupply yourself with awareness and knowledge, and the journey will only get richer.

Your lecturer will be Jean-Charles Caustier, and with him you will discover an exploration of the ‘House of Time’, a new approach in France.

If you wish to enjoy a moment out of time, come the World Congress, on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017. You are all welcome!

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

The Keys to Success

The Keys to Success

What is the myth of success? How do you develop your own success or failure myth? With what do you feel more comfortable? It would be useful to see more clearly, in order to know what are the essential elements, that make a successful therapy.

Getting good results or finding solutions, in a relatively short time, is a common goal, that all therapists have. On the other hand, patients also want to see radical changes.

Regardless the factors, success would seem to be the result of a learned recipe, that can be implemented in our sessions. Although there is no magic wand or a miracle protocol, Angela Bachfeld proposes us to have a look, during the World Congress 2017, at what researches reveal about this recipe.

And it is up to us, to be eager to know more, in order to avoid failure. And you, what would you add on your recipe? A pinch of hope, a hint of therapeutic relationship, a little placebo effect?

Join us at Angela Bachfeld’s conference, during the World Congress 2017. She is an experienced teacher, a great coach, a therapist and has been an international consultant, for more than 25 years.

As we are coaches and therapists, we are all eager to finally meet you and being able to share our recipes.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.