Cybernetic Communication

Do you know how to deal with physical pain? Because, some severe pains are more ‘resistant’ than any other kind of pain, and secondary benefits are sometimes hard to detect, even for Hypnosis and NLP practitioners. Knowing how to effectively manage physical pain, can be very useful for your practice, because as you may know, psychological pain can generate psychosomatic illnesses, and it is essential to know how to treat it from the very deep root.

The Keys to Success

What is the myth of success? How do you develop your own success or failure myth? With what do you feel more comfortable? It would be useful to see more clearly, in order to know what are the essential elements, that make a successful therapy. Getting good results or finding solutions, in a relatively short time, is a common goal, that all therapists have. On the other hand, patients also want to see radical changes.

Do you know the Inner-Team-Focusing®, ITF?

Do you consider yourself being on the awareness of the present moment, from here and now, or do you tend to lose yourself in the absence of your own self? The Inner-Team-Focusing® (ITF) was developed by Jörg Fuhrmann, as a holistic approach, based of contemplative consciousness and, it selectively incorporates the wisdom of the body, with the inner work of trance.

Karl and Nandana Nielsen, Presidents of IN and ICI

Karl and Nandana Nielsen, Presidents of IN – International Association of NLP Institutes and ICI – International Association of Coaching Institutes, are transforming our world, into a better world, by promoting International Federations of Coaching and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming) and Hypnosis. It all began with passion, they wanted to introduce NLP, Hypnosis and #Coaching to the entire world.

Hypnosis Hyperemperia

During a hypnosis session, did you ever had to face resistant patients? Have you ever had to deal with something that goes wrong during your session because your patient did not respond well to the trance? Despite all your efforts and your skills? If so, then it is quite frustrating… Admit it. Yet, some practitioners manage to do it easily. What are their secrets? Hypnosis Hyperemperia.

This type of hypnosis, revolutionizes trance techniques, and brings openings to the other fields of consciousness. Hyperemperia has been practiced in France by a few minority of competent therapists and has been a benchmark in the United States. This technique allows the best therapists to keep control over the session and achieve the main goals, whatever is happening.

The Mourning & Disney Strategy

How to deal with bereavement problems, to get good results in a short period of time and provide effective help to your clients in demand. Andrea Miller and Karin Pätze explain how they manage to easily solve this type of problem. Do you really know how to do this with the Disney Protocol? It’s Amazing, No?

Hypno-Coaching: Metaphors

Are your metaphors, still working? Do you have some trouble when providing new metaphors, when it comes to adapting them to your subject? Are your metaphors, working instantly? We cannot hide it from ourselves, we are not perfect, and sometimes it is hard for us to establish new effective metaphors. However, this is an important lever to have this skill, for therapists and professional coaches.

NLP & Using the Unconscious

Do you know Saadi, the poet? He was born in 1210, and was one of the greatest Persian poets. He has a poor and difficult childhood and a tumultuous life made of studies, travels, exile in hostile environments, imprisonment and slavery. A life made up of disparate encounters: bandits, intellectuals, common people, who enriched him, thus pushing back the limits of his thoughts. In his book “The garden of fruits”, the poet asks us to devote our leisure ‘to wiping away the dust that tarnishes the mirror of our heart’.

The use of Milton Model

How do you like to learn? As soon as we were born, our brain is feeding itself from new information and new learnings. Learning mechanisms remain actives and keep on growing whilst motivation is sometimes diminishing over time. We tend to lose our creativity, our self-confidence, and we are sometimes becoming less cheerful. Some of us tend to find that learning is becoming more and more difficult, and we sometimes suffer from it. So, why so many of us, find difficulties when comes the time for learning new things, when learning should be a source of pleasure, as it used to be? For example, learning a new language was wonderful, learning how to count, learning new stories, learning to learn…