Hypnosis for Healing and Growing

May 03, 2017 by Tom in  Articles

Hypnosis for Healing and Growing

For which reasons Hypnosis is good for Children? Children’s universe is a hypnotic world, naturally. To enter the world of children, is to accept being part of the game and of the experience. Being interested in their universe may not always seems easy.

When a child is playing, he is in a really intense emotional state, when he says ‘I am a knight!’, he does not pretend. He can fight and find strategies adapted to the situations that he is going through. The child is a fount of resources, when he is not subject to constraints, pressures, that diminish his ability and imagination.

Going back to being a child for a therapist, is a big difficulty. To do this, it is necessary to rise yourself to the level of the child, physically and mentally. This know-how is a technique, you cannot make it up, it leads you to open yourself to other conceptions, other orientations, other ways of doing.

What you will discover in this conference, will lead you to accept that solutions exist outside of your world map. Children that pretend to be ‘on the top of the Himalaya’ have maybe understood it, right before you?

Come and learn more about yourself at the World Congress 2017 – Hypnosis, Coaching & NLP in Paris.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

DNR – ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique

DNR – ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique

Have you ever been confronted to some problems that you thought had no solutions? Have you ever dreamed of having Harry Potter’s magic wand, to change evil for good, for ever and ever? In other words, having a genuine solution, that is simple, fast and effective, is a dream for everyone, and it could become reality, at the World Congress.
No need of a magic wand, a therapeutic technique will do the trick to get rid of all the pain, so psychological blockages will fade away without suffering, without constraint, and without thousand words.

This therapeutic technique is part of a neurological toolbox, called DNR or Deep Neural Repatterning. DNR is one of the flagship of the Psynapse Institute www.psynapse.fr. Who would not dream of mastering this amazing tool?

Philippe Vernois, Head Master Trainer, who is actually always looking for performance and excellence, aims to teach you, one of the most powerful technique of DNR, the ‘Flash Repatterning’ Technique, so you can take things in hands again.

If you want to know the technique of ‘Flash Repatterning’ and mastering it, come the World Congress on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

Hypnosis and NLP

At some moments in our lives we would all wish for a radical transformation of ourselves or our destiny. We often desire to change the story that others have been able to trace for us. This awareness is manifested at certain key moments in life. We would then like to take our destiny into our own hands because the dice that have been thrown from our childhood no longer satisfy us.

You do not know how to do that. Change suddenly comes through immediate awareness, but often you do not see how to stop these nested processes that are playing against you. Change can be made within you at any time, life itself imposes changes by the simple fact of unforeseen events often painful. You are then obliged to adapt and undergo unintended transformations.

Why let the spell decide for you? Using the abilities of our right hemisphere, taking the lead in soliciting your unconscious is possible. In the West, the unconscious is, according to the university literature, the royal way to achieve change.

Bruce Grimley’s tools for the unconscious help us to act directly on our brain, on our neural circuits. They allow you to deprogram and reprogram another life story, giving you the means to achieve it. Is your life dependent on a powerful computer, our brain, but still need to know how to use it?

The World Congress 2017 offers you the opportunity to reach your heart on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017 in Paris. You will find the key to your transformations! Under the theme of Hypno-Culture, discover, dream, and recharge your batteries! The World Congress 2017 awaits you at the Holiday Inn Paris – Canal de la Villette.

Karl and Nandana Nielsen, Presidents of IN and ICI

Karl and Nandana Nielsen, Presidents of IN and ICI

Karl and Nandana Nielsen, Presidents of IN – International Association of NLP Institutes and ICI – International Association of Coaching Institutes, are transforming our world, into a better world, by promoting International Federations of Coaching and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming) and Hypnosis.

It all began with passion, they wanted to introduce NLP, Hypnosis and #Coaching to the entire world.

Today, for example, they are involved in the creation of the Psychology program of the University of Nicaragua “UCN International School of Psychology”, and they are working with the university of UCAM ‘Universidad Catholica San Antonio de Murcia”.

Because we are all concerned, for the future of our children and their openness to the world, we are also concerned by future generations, within the whole world. Physical and mental health are taking to a new whole level, an intercontinental dimension.

True, the world is full of sorrows and pains of any kinds, but beautiful values keep on recreating, every day; by our actions, our attitude, our words, our thoughts, our implications, as well as our conscious and unconscious desires.

To meet them, and have fun learning about yourself, come at the World Congress 2017 – Hypnosis, Coaching & NLP.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.