Coaching is fascinating

May 26, 2017 by World Congress in  Articles


Coaching is fascinating, because, it allows you to take full control of your life. Who has never dreamed about being coached by a Professional Coach, which means, a person that succeed both in his emotional and professional life, living as a mother and wife, or father and husband? Because of the disruption of our societal system, only few succeed in obtaining a perfect balance in life, and achieving any kind of challenges.

Have you ever dreamed about a perfect life? A spouse, children, a job with passion, dream vacations… Living in wealth and abundance is the dream for everyone, without having to worry about ungrateful tasks, that parasite your life. The recipe for success, really does exist; but it’s up to you to decide whether you want to follow it, to be ready for a big change, that change that you may be afraid of… In a few words, feel the inner emotions and feelings, you want to live fully until the rest of your life.

Coaching is a rich journey into your inner heart, you need to take a little time to sound out your inner desires, your forgotten dreams, your passions, your inner treasures and strength, in order to fully exploit its richness. This is exactly what Arline Davis, a Californian coach living in Brazil, is offering to you, with her personal method called ‘Evolutionary Cycle Coach’, to give you a way to go, as far as possible, within Excellence, with a special focus on your vision, your missions and your deepest values.

If your desire is to help people who need to be enlightened and guided, and if you wish to become a Coach yourself, you can become a professional coach and have the legitimacy to practice on the continent of your choice, thanks to the certification of the International Federation ICI, issued in France, by Psynapse Institute.

We invite you, to extend your knowledge, by participation at the World Congress 2017, in Paris, at the Holiday Inn Express Paris – Canal de la Vilette, within the theme of Hypno-Culture, the 8th, 9th and 10th of September.

Hypnosis for Healing and Growing

Hypnosis for Healing and Growing

For which reasons Hypnosis is good for Children? Children’s universe is a hypnotic world, naturally. To enter the world of children, is to accept being part of the game and of the experience. Being interested in their universe may not always seems easy.

When a child is playing, he is in a really intense emotional state, when he says ‘I am a knight!’, he does not pretend. He can fight and find strategies adapted to the situations that he is going through. The child is a fount of resources, when he is not subject to constraints, pressures, that diminish his ability and imagination.

Going back to being a child for a therapist, is a big difficulty. To do this, it is necessary to rise yourself to the level of the child, physically and mentally. This know-how is a technique, you cannot make it up, it leads you to open yourself to other conceptions, other orientations, other ways of doing.

What you will discover in this conference, will lead you to accept that solutions exist outside of your world map. Children that pretend to be ‘on the top of the Himalaya’ have maybe understood it, right before you?

Come and learn more about yourself at the World Congress 2017 – Hypnosis, Coaching & NLP in Paris.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

The DAS Method of Doctor Derks

The DAS Method of Doctor Derks

Your life is filled with good moments, imperishable memories, happy encounters that transform it, in a pleasant way. These elements transform your life and somehow, make you evolve. You become, wiser, even more confident about yourself and your abilities.

Your life could be a long, quiet river but unfortunately unpredictable events keep occurring. These events are like small, indelible tasks that unconsciously pollute your mind. Consciously you chase them out of your mind, or you decide to not give importance to them, but you often remain with a feeling of sadness, that it is sometimes quite difficult to explain. Clinical experience shows that this kind of ‘pollution’, these “intrusions”, these “dark clouds” are actually mental images that reduce or block your flow of perception, cognition and emotion. You then, feel that your life is escaping from you, and that you can no longer be understood by the people who love you, and that you do not understand your surroundings, your goals are pushed to the next day, you begin to lose your confidence in yourself.
Before, your life was quite different, but you also start to forget that and you give up. Many of you, in your life are going through difficult times, that you are able to overcome because you find sufficient resources in yourself, but others believe that getting out is impossible, and it is beyond their strength. Some customers perceive change as something totally unrealizable, it would be like breaking a record in a hundred meters. Multiple solutions exist to get out of depression but being able to use a proven and rapidly effective method is helpful for any good therapist. The DAS method or “depression in a space of consciousness” was recently developed by Dr. Lucas Derks, in the Netherlands.

For this method, we ask the patient to situate his feeling, related to depression, his ‘dark spaces’ and his ‘dark images’, in a given space area.

After processing these images, the subject is asked to place them at the center of his attention, so that the patient can reach some pleasant feelings. After several years of study, it was soon discovered that these dark images were the reminiscence of problems that are often difficult to manage, on a daily basis. A questioning then will follow in order to go to the heart of the problem solving.

If you would like to discover the protocol of the DAS method or “depression in a space of consciousness” of Doctor Lucas Derks, we invite you to know more by participating * at the World Congress 2017 in Paris at the Holiday Inn Express Paris – Canal De la Villette, under the theme of Hypno-Culture! September 8, 9 and 10, 2017.

Hypnosis and Awakening of consciousness

Hypnosis and Awakening of consciousness

Would you be interested by the awakening of inner wisdom?

Awakening your own wisdom, is a necessity, particularly when your goal is to awaken someone else’s self-awareness. It is possible that some coachs and some therapists still deny this need, while others confess that they want to feel more alive! It is because they are not taking into consideration that, overtime, life become more and more difficult, every single day, and they don’t allow themselves to make a move and take in hand, their own lives. Do you, sometimes, feel frustrated, and upset, without being able to monitor your own thoughts? Missing out on the awakening of self-awareness, is missing out on something really essential, to your mental balance.

No one wants to live a life with no purpose, you want a joyful and pleasant life, full of intellectual wealth, but also a life of sharing, benevolence and compassion. The awakening of your own consciousness is the key that opens the doors to other perspectives.

In order to awaken your consciousness – and with the aim to live an enlightened life, full of wisdom – we need tools that properly operate, and that will make a huge difference, within your practice. If Hypnosis is well used with proper structured suggestions, then the consciousness will harmoniously awaken.

Hypnosis will awaken your consciousness and gradually, you will strengthen yourself toward higher levels of consciousness.

You are all welcome to the World Congress 2017, on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017. Lecturers from all over the world will be present, with us.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.