NLP and Hypnosis in our daily lives

May 03, 2017 by World Congress in  Articles

NLP and Hypnosis in our daily lives

What are the boundaries of therapy? Is it more prevalent in our daily lives, than it actually seems?

When it comes to hypnosis, Richard Bandler and John Grinder used to ask each other: “What is hypnosis? And what it is not?”. Within this set of questions, one might also ask that question “What is therapy? And What it is not?”.

In “Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme” from Molière, Monsieur Jourdain, used to prose without even realising it. What about you? Are you doing therapy, without even realising it?
Sometimes, you are the first to be surprised when you found out that therapy actually works on you, without knowing what the levers were. A word? Or a simple sentence? Would that be enough to trigger a big change within you? It is important to stay close to your patient, to be there with him and to be his best supporter, but it is sometimes important, to know how to step back from your own practice, in order to capture what actually happens. Playing sorcerer’s apprentices can also be a problematic because words have the power of healing metaphors on others.

Come to know more about yourself, how words can relieve, help and heal people, at the World Congress, on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017, in Paris. It is a must-see event!

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

The Mourning & Disney Strategy

The Mourning & Disney Strategy

How to deal with bereavement problems, to get good results in a short period of time and provide effective help to your clients in demand.

Andrea Miller and Karin Pätze explain how they manage to easily solve this type of problem.
Do you really know how to do this with the Disney Protocol? It’s Amazing, No?

At World Congress 2017, they will reveal everything about their approach to grief therapy. They will also reveal how they achieve spectacular results!

To explain it, nothing better than a meeting in person, with our two incredible speakers rather than a vague overview! For example, they will teach you how to deal with various situations of mourning:

✔ The departure of your child from the house,
✔ The loss of your friends
✔ Mourning after a change of life (life more or less prosperous),
✔ The departure to the retirement,
✔ The death of relatives,

They will also share with you their experience within the coaching field, in order to cope with working conditions, and they will also share with you how they use the Disney strategy and Hypnosis, in order to awaken our unconscious.
During this conference, you will be allowed to participate to some trainings and exercises, in order to feel the benefits yourself.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

The Keys to Success

The Keys to Success

What is the myth of success? How do you develop your own success or failure myth? With what do you feel more comfortable? It would be useful to see more clearly, in order to know what are the essential elements, that make a successful therapy.

Getting good results or finding solutions, in a relatively short time, is a common goal, that all therapists have. On the other hand, patients also want to see radical changes.

Regardless the factors, success would seem to be the result of a learned recipe, that can be implemented in our sessions. Although there is no magic wand or a miracle protocol, Angela Bachfeld proposes us to have a look, during the World Congress 2017, at what researches reveal about this recipe.

And it is up to us, to be eager to know more, in order to avoid failure. And you, what would you add on your recipe? A pinch of hope, a hint of therapeutic relationship, a little placebo effect?

Join us at Angela Bachfeld’s conference, during the World Congress 2017. She is an experienced teacher, a great coach, a therapist and has been an international consultant, for more than 25 years.

As we are coaches and therapists, we are all eager to finally meet you and being able to share our recipes.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.

Hypnosis Hyperemperia

Hypnosis Hyperemperia

During a hypnosis session, did you ever had to face resistant patients? Have you ever had to deal with something that goes wrong during your session because your patient did not respond well to the trance? Despite all your efforts and your skills? If so, then it is quite frustrating… Admit it. Yet, some practitioners manage to do it easily. What are their secrets? Hypnosis Hyperemperia.

This type of hypnosis, revolutionizes trance techniques, and brings openings to the other fields of consciousness. Hyperemperia has been practiced in France by a few minority of competent therapists and has been a benchmark in the United States. This technique allows the best therapists to keep control over the session and achieve the main goals, whatever is happening.

Hyperemperia was created by Don Gibbons, during the 70’s. The principle is simple; it is about an ascending trance. Don Gibbons is passionate about the extension of our physical senses, such as sight and hearing. He has drawn his inspiration from the work of the Professor Stephen Hawking, in order to develop the concept of parallel universes in Hypnosis.

How does Hyperemperia work?

As a practitioner, you are not going to look for deepening the trance.
As a practitioner, you are not going to help your patient to focus on something.

✔️ You are going to make your patient aware of everything that is surrounding him.
✔️ You will awaken your patient as much as you can, to make him ‘alive’:
• An opening of consciousness
• The possibility of reviving ecstasies
• And showing paths to another reality

This technique unlocks beautiful prospects for success… So, come and meet our expert within this field, Grégoire De Lasteyrie. He will reveal to you, everything about Hyperemperia, his own techniques, his clinical discoveries, and all the possibilities…
If you wish to have a chance to experience something else, come and meet us on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017, at the World Congress 2017. We will be there to welcome you for 3 full days and we will have the opportunity to live together a unique adventure.

Register here, for the World Congress, from the 8th to 10th of September 2017 in Paris.