Jean-Charles Caustier

/ France
Jean-Charles Caustier

Engineer by training, Jean-Charles Caustier has been an entrepreneur for more than 20 years. He is now a trainer, who is willing to guarantee a high-quality education within the renowned Psynapse Institute. As a psychopratician, Jean-Charles Caustier focuses on a systemic approach, in order to identify all the possible interactions. From an early age he shows an interest for human psyche, only aimed at withholding its richness, potential and its infinite resources. Thereafter, he discovered forms of spiritual hypnosis that will lead him toward therapeutic field, that have yet, not been explored. He is passionate about clinical experiences that allow him to integrate more efficient approaches. Jean-Charles Caustier integrates concepts from sport competition, theatre, management in his practice. His philosophy of life is oriented toward humanistic values.