DNR (Deep Neuronal Repaterning)

DNR – “Flash Repatterning Technique”

Have you ever been confronted to problems you thought had no solutions?

Have you ever dreamed of having Harry Potter’s magic wand, to change evil for good, for ever and ever? In other words, having a genuine solution, that is simple, fast and effective, is a dream for everyone, and it could become reality, at the World Congress.

No need of a magic wand, a #therapeutic technique will do the trick to get rid of all the pain, so psychological blockages will fade away without suffering, without constraint, and without using thousands of words.

This therapeutic technique is part of a neurological toolbox, called DNR or Deep Neural Repatterning. DNR is one of the flagship of the Psynapse Formations – Institut PNL, Hypnose et Thérapies Brèves. ( www.psynapse.fr ). Who would not dream of mastering this amazing tool?

March 23


– 16:05



Philippe Vernois